About KudoMetrics Technologies Private Limited

Best web design company and internet marketing solution provider

Kudo Metrics called by others as the best web design company India, is established with the aim to provide best possible internet marketing solutions to the clients all over the world. We are pledged to provide dedicated workforce to the clients round the clock. How so ever small your dream may be, we assure you to make it big. Right now we have our work base at Salem, India, but we are looking forward to expand our base with the support of our highly esteemed clients.

About Mission

Kudo Metrics is very clear and strong in its mission. Our mission is to provide the result oriented web-based marketing solutions to the customers. Our mission translates into the increased benefits to the customer.

Complete visibility, transparency and web presence is the guaranteed result of being a customer of Kudo Metrics. Each and every package of our company spells creativity and maximum profit. Customer retention is the sole aim of our company which is easily explained by the repeat orders we get from our customers.

About Vision

The Vision of our company is to be the best web design company and internet marketing solution provider. We look forward to meet this vision by having a well-structured and creative team of experts that provide the one-stop solution to all your internet marketing needs.

Innovative methods and use of SEO techniques are adopted to give new dimension to fulfilling the internet marketing requirements of the customer. Constant improvement in service with the help of brainstorming at regular intervals keep us updated. Growth and development is our keyword to achieve the vision.

About Core Value

Perfection, friendliness, coordinated team work and dedication towards customer satisfaction are our core values. We deliver what we promise that too in a measurable fashion. We work with each other and not against each other towards customer delight. All our team members are supposed with people with their own thoughts and ideas. All the ideas are listened and discussed with great interest to land on the best strategy for maximizing customer profit through internet marketing.

We don't expect our team members to act like robots and take great care to help them strike perfect balance among all spheres of life. This is translated into marketing solutions having personal touch as per the need of the customer. The goal of our company has a lot to do with the growth of the individuals devoting their valuable time towards the customer service.

About Our Expertise

We have a creative bend towards consumer behavior. We design what your customers are looking for when they search for you over the internet. Brand integration and understanding of image building in the minds of consumers not only promotes our customers aptly but also provide them a profit making platform through our internet marketing solutions.

We redefine your link with your customers and ensure a long lasting relationship between the two of you. We provide a large scope to spread the word about you in a positive fashion among relevant circles. Adopting the best methods of internet marketing keep you well placed among your customers.

About Our Beneficiaries

Our clients range from restaurant chains to wellness centres, from electronics to finance and so on. Healthcare, consumer electronics, education, security services and even military and government initiatives have seen the day of light due to our expertise. Medium to large sized businesses have done exceptionally good with the support provided by us in the shape of search engine optimization and PPC.

Our clients are making the best mark in their respective industries. Our companies are best known for their innovative approach and their efforts are well communicated through our unique campaigns.

What Keeps Us Going?

Our ability to mingle fun with the work helps us keep afresh and brimming with new ideas. Our repertoire of various activities like philanthropy, sports, website development , reading, mixed martial arts and running keep us fit and happy throughout the year. Our stress-busting activities help us come out of the stress graciously and we can take up as many challenges as we can.

About CEO
Sathishkumar Varatharajan


Sathishkumar Varatharajan has extensive experience in the field of Online Marketing. He launched this company in an effort to help the businesses to achieve their goals in a cost effective way. He also owns a large number of successful online businesses in various industries. As the Chief Executive Officer of this company, it is his duty to create and maintain all the online marketing strategies for the clients.

Sathishkumar holds a Mechanical Engineering Degree from the Anna University.

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